School Information

The School Day

8.00 – Breakfast Club starts with Mrs Kelf

8.20 – School gates open and children arrive

8.30 – Children are registered

8.45 – Registers close – children arriving after 8.30 should report to reception

10.30 – 10.45 – Break time

12.00 – 12.45 – Lunch break

3.15 – School day finishes

3.15 – After school care starts with Yellow or Tina and sports clubs start with Premier Education

4.15 – Sports clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays finish

5.00 – After school care finishes

Daily Assemblies

Everyday we meet together as a school. These assemblies are different each day:

Mondays, with Miss Spaul – welcome to the week and exploring our half-termly theme and special events;

Tuesdays, alternating between Open the Book and our house team projects (new this year);

Wednesdays, with Miss Waters’ learning First Aid – this is a statutory requirement for PSHE education;

Thursdays, with Mrs Bethell – musical appreciation in our singing assembly;

Fridays, Otter class and Mr Hunt lead our celebration ‘SUPERSTAR’ assembly.

Assemblies are important to share consistent messages to all children across the school. We learn moral, social and cultural content and some of our statutory elements to PSHE as a whole school. For example, safeguarding messages, online safety, personal safety and first aid. Many aspects of the curriculum are also covered during assembly time. If you have any questions about what we learn in school please do get in touch.

School Uniform

Uniform helps to both create a feeling of ‘belonging’ and enables children to feel comfortable. When everyone is wearing the same clothing, it eliminates the pressure on students to wear expensive and trendy clothing to fit in with their peers. This promotes a sense of community and inclusivity, as everyone is part of the same team.

With the changes in Squirrel class, we would like to invite ALL EYFS children to wear uniform. THIS IS OPTIONAL for preschool children, but compulsory for reception children.

Children should wear black skirts, shorts or trousers (NOT LEGGINGS or CYCLING SHORTS), a white
polo shirt and a navy jumper or cardigan. These items are not branded. Embroidered school uniform is
optional and is available for purchase online from (please speak to the office about support for this). Children should wear PLAIN BLACK shoes.

P.E Kit – worn to school on P.E days or Club days
A PLAIN white or team coloured t-shirt (we prefer team coloured)
A PLAIN black pair of shorts or tracksuit bottoms (no leggings)
A PLAIN black hoodie
Appropriate sports shoes (not too bright please)

All items of uniform should be named to avoid loss.

Lost property

Neither the school nor Norfolk County Council can accept responsibility for lost property.

Please remember to label all belongings.  This will enable us to return missing items to their owners quickly.

Before and After School Clubs

Breakfast Club is run by Mrs Kelf and is available every day, from 8.00am until 8.30 am at the cost of £2.00 per session per child.

After School care is run by Mrs Free and Miss Pluckrose and is available every day, from 3.15pm to 5.00pm at the cost of £5.00 per session, per child.

ALL CLUBS SHOULD BE BOOKED 24 hours before VIA THE OFFICE PLEASE. If you wish for your child to attend on a regular basis, we are happy to take these bookings at the start of each term.

There are a variety of sporting clubs throughout the year, managed by Premier Sport. For example, this year we have run football, multiskills, handball, fencing, tennis and archery clubs.  These clubs are available to all children and run throughout the week. There is a charge of £3.50 per session per club.

Booster Classes for SATS in Key Stage 2 take place during the spring term run by members of staff.